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About Creed

Scott Picture Gallery

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Creed Links

Welcome to Annie's Scott Stapp Site!!!!!

This site is devoted to the sexiest man in all of music, Scott Stapp, the lead singer of the band Creed!

Yes, I know that he's married, and he has a little boy named Jagger Thomas Stapp. But hey, a girl can still dream and drool...........:)

Enjoy my little site! I appreciate all feedback, good or bad.


This is just the initial launch of this site. Eventually the site will progress and expand, but I hope that you do enjoy the news about the band and the great pics of Scott on here. I will put update notices on here as soon as I update.


I have uploaded parts of the photo gallery. (6-17)

I have added some links to the links section. (6-17)

The CreedBoard Message Board is up and ready for you to post your Creed thoughts. Go to the links page and click on the link for CreedBoard on the page. It will take you directly to the board. Please note the very first post on the boards, it is important that you read that information before posting on the board. (6-17)

I added the band's official bio to the About Page. (6-19)

I added Tour dates and cancellations, and the newest official update on Scott Stapp's condition to the What's New Page. (6-19)

I added FAQ's to the What's New Page, so check 'em out too! (6-19)


Added tour dates and cancellations. I also added FAQ's. Check it out on the What's New Page! (6-19)


It's true, it's true! This site has officially received 100 hits as of June 28, 2000. June 17th was the initial launch, and this is without a doubt going to be a very successful site! Thank you to each and every person who has visited the site. It is an honor to have reached so many people so quickly. Continue to visit the site, hopefully you will bookmark the site or add it to your favorites. It's got good groundwork right now, and will only get better with time! Once again, thank you for visiting the site! :)Annie


To contact the webmistress of this site, just do the following:

Click on the link below

Send an e-mail

You may contact the webmistress regarding news, general band information, and any problems within the technical aspects of the site (broken links, pictures not loading correctly, etc.)

Please give the webmistress 2-3 days to reply to your e-mail. Any questions that are asked will be answered as quickly and as accurately as possible.

Any information found on this site or aquired from the webmistress may be inaccurate. As this is avoided as often as possible, there will be sometimes that mistakes are made. Any incorrect information will be corrected and the accurate information will then be presented via the site or e-mail.

Any technical errors will be corrected as soon as the error is brought to the attention of the webmistress. Do not hesitate to e-mail to alert attention to the error. It will be greatly appreciated to keep the site as updated, technically sound, and organized as possible.


Where are
you from:
Do you think Scott Stapp is hot?
Do you like SPAM?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?


E-MAIL ANNIE (webmistress)



Damn, he is hot!
You can see more great pics of Scott in the photo gallery!

*Webmistress Drooling*
Really, go to the photo gallery!!!!!!!